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Azores - Portugal

Misty Islands was born out of a genuine desire to be back in touch with nature.


More specifically with my own nature. The nostalgic haze of the islands has always fascinated me and returning to the islands brought an inexplicable desire to reconnect with this island way of being and feeling.


Living life on autopilot and always in a rush ends up leading us to a rhythm that disconnects us from our own essence, from who we really are and what excites us in life. The 2020 pandemic only intensified and brought to light a need that was latent and only became evident when we were all forced to stop.

On the other hand, the reunion with the nature of the Islands, and the surprising new perspective that I came across when exploring the countless trails and all their beautiful and energizing forestry aspects were the triggerso that the desire to develop new projects associated with events in Nature was born.

The SUPER POWERS of Nature in the Azores helped me find my physical, mental and spiritual balance.

I propose to share my learnings with all those who are looking for a way to slow down and find a new rhythm in their lives., enjoying an experience of pure reconnection through connection with the nature of the Azores and direct contact with its benefits.

Free Wellness Guide


Ana Read Beato

  • Silence Practitioner

  • I love yoga, running, traveling and climbing mountains

  • Forest Bathing Guide by Forest Therapy Hub (2023)

  • Psychological Firsts Aid from Johns Hopkins University (2023)

  • International Coaching Certification by Life Training (2019)

  • Master Business Management (AU -2007)

  • Degree in Sports Sciences(FMH-1997)

  • Former manager under stress

I associate silence with simplicity in life, less noise, lighter and simpler spaces, tranquil routines that are good for us.

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